We’ve compiled pre-made workflows to help you automate your tasks with Zapier while working remotely. How much time do you spend repeating tasks th...
Use Bannerbear to generate unique, branded social media content from Airbnb reviews. Data Miner is a data extraction tool that lets you scrape any HT...
With the API, you can connect Zapier to Notion, automate actions within your workspace, and access integrations. Our focus for this post is tracking signups and lead generation from a web form with Notion and Zapier.
With the advent of the no-code revolution, there are a lot of no-code tools to launch your community. From the obvious LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack and ...
In this tutorial, we will learn how to tweet an auto-generated image every time you publish a new blog post on Medium. Visuals increase engagement. Y...
Use Zapier and Bannerbear integration to easily turn a custom review into a social post. The Bannerbear API helps you cut down on manual processes by...
Stack: Zapier, Bannerbear, Swish.ink, Twitter Automate time: 1 hour Connect Swish + Zapier + Bannerbear to automatically generate a twitter image, e...
With this tutorial, you can add a custom button in Airtable that allows you to send an API request to Bannerbear with just the click of a button. Ba...
This tutorial will teach how to auto-generate promotional graphics each time you add a new product to your Shopify store. Promotional images can be a...
With your Medium RSS feed URL, you can view latest stories on your Medium profile page feed. Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash Profile page RSS ...
This tutorial will teach you how to automate a personalized greeting for new Twitter followers. What you will build In this tutorial, we will set up...
I might be transitioning soon. The 'why' I never planned to become a Product Manager (not to be mistaken for Project Management). Like every other pe...
This tutorial will show you how to pass data from your existing Airtable base, onto Bannerbear fields. Bannerbear is an image generation API that hel...
A product manager spends a significant working time communicating why customers need a product in their lives - akin to the 'job-to-be-done theory. T...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to automatically turn your job listing on Airtable into images ready for sharing on social media You have a job ...
This post is the first of the series "Building Listdive" from idea to execution. A peek behind the curtain in moving Listdive from idea to launch an...
Skilluptech is an employability and career development platform that helps early-career candidates jumpstart their career in the digital industry, co...
This post was correct at the time of publishing. Most of these details may change over time. Build Time: 1 Day Tools: Figma, Behance, Carrd Stepping...
As a legal practitioner with an avid interest in tech and startups, there was an innate desire to be involved somewhere in the 'idea to launch' proce...